Apologies for shipping delays. Some product availability issues have been a cause and also sudden illness. All available product is caught up and shipped and we will be keeping on top of it from here on out. It's been a hectic few weeks. If you have any problems, never hesitate to contact us.
Speaking of availability issues, it seems like Zuko is having issues. First it was Strawberry. We have plenty of those onhand now and nobody's ordering, of course. Right now, it's Watermelon and Canteloupe that we're seeing issues with. We do carry Klass in these flavors as well and it may be an alternative, but we're keeping on top of it as best we can.
New Buc-ee's shirts are coming, just need to get pictures taken and the listings up. I see some interest in long sleeve shirts. I wasn't going to do the hoodies and the longer sleeve stuff because the prices tend to be higher, but I will get them in stock ASAP.